
Welcome to the home page of the Seventh Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec 2015 Spring).

The CANSec (formerly, KanSec) workshop brings together researchers and practitioners in networking and security related fields in the central area of the US. Since spring of 2012, the workshop has attracted attendees from Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, etc. We have also invited guest speakers from Texas, Indiana, Colorado, South Carolina, Virginia, etc.

The goal of the CANSec workshop is to provide a regular forum for presenting research and education activities in all areas related to computer networking and security, as well as promoting interactions and collaborations among scholars and students and between academia and industry.

To receive announcements about the CANSec workshop, please join our Google Group.

CANSec 2015

** DRCN 2015 11th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communicaton Networks is co-located at the same venue and will be held in March 25-27, 2015.

Organizing Committee

Steering Committee